Lake Como Institute boasts internationally recognized professionals in the field of Implant Dentistry and experts in other disciplines of modern dentistry. The Institute mission is to deliver meticulous diagnosis, treatment and comprehensive management of complex cases. A team of highly dedicated professionals work in close collaboration to achieve the best possible outcome for the patient.
Didactics is combined with scientific and clinical research and is expressed with interdisciplinary teamwork enriched by constant co-operation.
Our philosophy is not to reach 80% success rate, we want to add the 20% that makes the difference.
Clinical excellence is based on protocols and attention to details, the two most important factors to achieve long-term results.
With this “winning philosophy” combined by 35 years of clinical experience, we are proud to offer innovative course programs that will allow you to offer better, more comprehensive treatments for your patients.
Academy of Osseointegration (AO)
Master Certificate – Surgical Course
Tiziano Testori MD, DDS, MSc, FICD
Click here for more information
International Course on Immediate Loading
for Diplôme Universitaire d’Implantologie, Université di Corsica
Tiziano Testori MD, DDS, MSc, FICD
Click here for more information
Advanced Continuing Education Program in Implant Dentistry
for Harvard School of Dental Medicine
Tiziano Testori, David M. Kim, Jerry Lin and Luca Gobbato
Click here for more information
Sinus Augmentation Mastery
Comprehensive Lateral and Crestal Lift Techniques
by Tiziano Testori MD, DDS, MSc, FICD and
Marco Esposito DDS, PhD
Click here to open the brochure
Management of peri-implantitis defects and Soft tissue augmentation
Hom-Lay Wang DDS, MSD, PhD
Click here for more information
BioHorizons International Master Course
Tiziano Testori MD, DDS, MSc, FICD
Program to be defined
OsteoBiol International Master Course
on Maxillary Sinus Augmentation
Tiziano Testori MD, DDS, MSc, FICD
Marco Esposito DDS, PhD
Click here for more information
Innovative and Minimally Invasive Trends in Lateral/Crestal Sinus Elevation and Adjunctive Vertical/Horizontal Bone Regeneration and Soft Tissue Management
Tiziano Testori MD, DDS, MSc, FICD
Click here for more information